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Occult Criminal Investigation

Occult Criminal Investigation, Angielski

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//-->If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at•'.THE CITY OFGLENDAIJEPOLICE DEPARTMENTOCCULT CRIMINALINVESTIGATION•149064U.S. Department of JusticeNational Institute of Justicep~rsonor organization originatingit.Points of view or opinions stated inThis document has been reproduced exactly as received from thethis document are those of the authors and-do not necessarily representthe official position or policies of the Nationallnslltute of Justice.Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has beengranted byCity of Glendale PoliceDepartmentto the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS).Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permissionof the copyright owner••tTABLE OF CONTENTS(CONTINUED)•TIPS FOR INVESTIGATING A RITUALISTICCRIME SCENEOutside Crime SceneWords of WarningInside Crime SceneSYMPTOMS CHARACTERIZING SATANIC RITUALABUSE NOT USUALLY SEEN IN SEXUAL ABUSECASES (PRESCHOOL AGE CHILDREN)CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT444444444648••Page 1••The purposeofficer withterminology,involved inof this training bulletin is to provide eachthe necessary tools to become familiar with theartifacts and symbols relative to personscrimes of occultic origin.Bringing to light the person· or persons involved in crimesfrom the satanic/occultic realm is not an easy task.Theuntrainedinvestigatormayfindgreatdifficultyunderstanding when an incident occurs from this area.We must remember that the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution allows anyone the freedom to worship--GOD,PLANTS, SAT AN, ETC.A numberofcrimes within the pastfew years have come to our attention as these crimes havebeen flavored with involvement from the occult.Somecrime scenes are scattered with various symbols which totheuntrained person would have little significance.Historically speaking, each symbol has a particular meaningor meanings, although the significance of a particularsymbol may vary from one group to another.HISTORICAL OVERVIEWCurrently the term " OCCULT" carries a variety of meaningsto each person.Occult is defined as:"matters regarded asinvolving the action or influence of supernatural agenciesor some secret knowledge of .them.HOften when speaking of Witchcraft,th~Occult and Satanism,one could relate each to be synonymous.However, personsinvolved in witchcraft take a different position in that theycall their involvement in witchcraft as their "craft."Witches feel their craft is used for positive results throughthe use of nature and their mind.A person involved inwitchcraft calls upon the hidden powers to reach a desiredresult.Those involved in witchcraft generally believe inESP, clairvoyance, reincarnation, prophecy, astrology, etc.Witchcraft is supposedly "white magic" used for good meansalthough this is a disputed issue .••Paje 2•SATANHow did the current widespread interest in satanism evolve? Whyare so many teenagers interested in the occult and satanism? Whatimportance do the many symbols have in relation to witchcraft andsatanism?Currently a number of mass murders haye been brought to theattention of law enforcement--the Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez,and the mass murder victims found near San Francisco area whereCharles Ng was arrested. Newspaper accounts relate both incidentsto have been flavored with satanic rituals or symbolisms.How did witchcraft evolve? Apparently' early man is said to havesought answers and explanations to the things he could notphysically control, such as the seasons, life, health, death and food.Since he could not control them, he tried to manipulate them ritually.As a result, these men discovered uncontrollable forces wherebymyths were develop,ed in an attempt to explain them, which lead tothe rudiments of science: astronomy, chemistry, and medicine .As man a9apted and controlled his environment he became lessdependent upon nature.A much less complicated answer as to the evolution of witchcraft canbe found in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Eve disobeyed God,ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam to eat also. Both Adamand Eve were then banned from the garden of Eden and doomed todie a "physical" death. From that time onward, history has shownthe many attempts of persons to gain eternal life through thesacrifice of 'babies, animals, food, etc. Persons might also consultmediums, sorcerers and wizards in order to gain knowledge, wealth,power, etc.The Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible have manyaccounts of witchcraft, sorcery, divination and sacrifices. Continuingthrough history, we find in the 13th century, a Freisian Clan namedthe Stedingers who were notorious for their satanic ceremonies. TheStedingers plundered churches and desecrated the sacraments andcrucifixes. They killed and indulged in all manners of orgies. In1234, the Duke of Brabant went to war against them and had 8,000of them killed.The survivors later emigrated to other parts of•• [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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