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Ocean Navigator 173 2008.10

Ocean Navigator 173 2008.10, Ocean Navigator

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October 2008
Issue No. 173
$4.99 U.S. $4.99 Canada
 Visit Nordhavns at the Annapolis and Fort Lauderdale Boat Shows
An Amazing Evolution of Both Company and Boat
“The more time you spend
spent decades thinking about
the next step in nautical evo-
The culmination of all that
thinking, experience and
expertise arrives as PAE intro-
duces the new Nordhavn 56
A Legacy of
For those who are familiar
with PAE, you’ll remember
their 2002 around-the-world
run, trouble-free, in 25 weeks
aboard the smallest of the
fleet, the rugged Nordhavn
This was followed by the
remarkably successful 2004
Atlantic Rally in which 18
yachts crossed the Atlantic to
the Mediterranean via
Bermuda, the Azores, then
finally to Gibraltar. These
vessels, of which 15 were
Nordhavns, were operated not
by captains hired by the own-
ers, but by the owners them-
selves. Every boat and owner
made it, with nerves to spare.
Now, Jeff Leishman has cre-
ated a brand new vessel – a
slight departure from the typi-
cal trawler he is known for,
yet one that is intriguing and
without a doubt, a Nordhavn.
A History of Sailing
To be sure, motorsailers have
been around for quite some
on the water, the more
time you spend thinking
about your next boat.”
So goes the axiom of sailors
everywhere, and Jeff
Leishman, Chief of Design, at
Pacific Asian Enterprises, Inc.
(parent of Nordhavn) has
  time. Most boaters, both power and sail
aficionados, contend that a motorsailer
does neither very well. Not so with the
Nordhavn 56 M/S.
This is a motorsailer with a lineage of
Nordhavn’s transoceanic trawlers as well
as Mason’s world-class sailboats. For
those who may have forgotten, Mason is
the other half of PAE, The Mason design,
of course, has roots deep in the American
tradition of offshore sailing yachts that
reach back to John Alden, Philip Rhodes,
and Olin Stevens. In fact, Al Mason
worked for all three of the famous yacht
designers. The timeless design remains
one of the most popular offshore boats
built in the last 20 years and one of the
best values
for shorthanded long-range cruising on
the used boat market.
As with the entire Mason line and several
Nordhavns, the Motorsailer is being con-
structed at long-time partner factory Ta
Shing Yacht Building yard in Taiwan.
Regarded as one of the finest boat build-
ing facilities in the world, Ta Shing is the
source that has helped PAE’s yachts earn
the reputation of achieving the highest
level of fit and
finish of any production boat on the
market today.
A Phenomenal Design
To skillfully produce the Nordhavn 56
M/S, Leishman melded the design experi-
ence and sail expertise from the Masons
with the power experience and motoring
technology that went into all of
Nordhavn’s past and present fleet of 14
The result is a beautiful, sloop-rigged
pilothouse motorsailer, designed to offer
a blending of real world needs to offshore
cruising wants.
As sailors, we all understand the cost-
per-mile benefits that sails bring to long
distance travel, as well as the stabilizing
effect that sails have on motion in a sea-
way. We also know just how much
motoring we actually end up doing. The
Nordhavn 56 M/S takes all that into
account and delivers a comfortable, effi-
cient cruising experience, whether it’s
down the coast or around the world.
Range with Options
The Nordhavn 56 M/S packs 740 gallons
of diesel, fueling a proven Lugger 1066 T
(turbo) 165 hp at 2,400 rpm. This con-
figuration will easily provide 9 knots,
with an approximately 3000 nautical
mile range under power alone. Cut the
rpms back and the range could almost
double. Turn the engine off and you’ll
sail almost endlessly.
Set the sail as well as the prop
As the motorsailer naysayers will claim, a
standard fixed propeller designed for
maximum speed cannot give maximum
power at low speed, while a fixed pro-
peller designed for power cannot achieve
maximum speed.
The Nordhavn 56 M/S comes with a
Hundested Propeller and shaft.
Ingeniously, you can control the pitch of
the prop - in real time - from the wheel-
house. Thus, it is always possible to
obtain full utilization of the engine, irre-
spective of the purpose of the vessel.
Maximum horsepower can be taken
from the engine - without overloading -
and the speed of the vessel can then be
regulated by means of the propeller
pitch. When using sail and engine power
at the same time, the correct pitch can
always be obtained so that wind and
engine together are utilized in the best
possible way. Also, under sail alone, the
prop can be fully feathered, an important
consideration when the wheel is a rela-
tively massive 36 inches.
The Hull Design
The Nordhavn 56 M/S comes with a full
keel and skeg hung rudder, offering pro-
tection in the event of a grounding and
better tracking under sail. Its shape and
enclosed prop aperture are less likely to
snag a long line, which believe it or not,
is a real possibility in today’s oceans.
The Nordhavn 56 M/S is stabilized with
an encapsulated lead ballast of approxi-
mately 17,500 pounds.
A Company Focused on
Innovation and Proven Success
The Nordhavn 56 M/S includes
hydraulic power winches Leisure Furl
and Lugger engine, controllable pitch
propeller, generator, air conditioning,
winch-anchor and chain, bow thruster,
plus the finest hardware, doors and
windows, steering gear and general
equipment available. Additional features
include the superb electrical, mechanical and
plumbing systems that are a result of PAE’s
vast offshore experience, and exude the world
class quality workmanship that Nordhavn
and Ta Shing are so well known for.
Thinking about your next boat?
Come explore the possibilities of how the
Nordhavn 56 M/S can make your next
passagemaking voyage a comfortable,
efficient, rewarding experience.
Call, click or fax Nordhavn
949.496.4848 Fax 949.240.2398
57’ (incl. swim step)
52’ 06”
16’ 07”
Draft – full load:
Displacement – full load:
70,410 lbs.
Water capacity:
250 gallons
Fuel Capacity:
740 gallons
Range under power alone:
3,000+ naut.miles
Chartroom Chatter
Mini-trawler goes trans-Atlantic
Covey Island boatyard fire
Boats exempted from industrial
pollution rules
Olin Stephens honored
by New York Yacht Club
Lawsuit filed in Cynthia Woods sinking
Pirates of the Somali coast
Shipyard fire spares yacht builder
Notable New Books
Marine Tech Notes
Is lightning a growing danger to
marine equipment?
by Tim Queeney
Power Voyaging
First steps to saving fuel
by John J. Kettlewell
From centerboarder to long keel
Digital camera celestial navigation
Voyagers analyze their energy impact
Voyaging Tips
Get digital broadcasts on an analog TV
by Chuck Husick
Nav Problem
Idle Hour
by David Berson
For bonus materials, check out the
current issue at
Issue #173
October 2008
Ocean Voyaging
Africa in the Atlantic
The exotic Cape Verde Islands are a
mix of Portuguese and African
culture and are worth a
trans-Atlantic stop
by Andy O’Grady
American Yacht Review
A voyaging collaboration
by John Snyder
Cold molded voyager
by John Snyder
Outbound 52
A capable, comfortable cruiser
by Susan Viets
Hodgdon 54
Swiftly and in style
by John Snyder
Nordhavn 56MS
A cruising evolution rooted
in solid tradition
by Susan Viets
On the cover:
, a new Morris 57 designed by the
Fontaine Design Group, sailing the Western Way and
headed for the Gulf of Maine shortly after delivery.
Onne Van Der Wal photo
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