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Oblique Abdominis Internus ...

Oblique Abdominis Internus anatomy, KTA korpus

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Functional Anatomy
Oblique Abdominis Internus
Lower anterior fibers: lateral 2/3 of inguinal
ligament; short attachment on the iliac
crest near the anterior superior iliac spine
Upper anterior fibers: anterior 1/3 of the
intermediate line of the iliac crest
Lower anterior fibers: with transversus
abdominis into the crest of the pubis,
medial part of the pectineal line, linea alba
via an aponeurosis
Upper anterior fibers: linea alba via an
Lateral fibers: inferior borders of the 10th,
11th, and 12th ribs; linea alba via an
Lower anterior fibers: compress and
support the lower abdominal viscera with
the transversus abdominis
Upper anterior fibers:
Acting bilaterally, spinal flexion to
approximate pelvis and thorax. The upper
anterior fibers support and compress the
abdominal viscera, depress the thorax,
and assist in respiration. The lateral fibers
also exert a large influence on the lumbar
spine to tilt the pelvis posteriorly.
Acting unilaterally, with the anterior fibers
of the external oblique of the opposite side
to rotate the trunk to the opposite side
when pelvis is fixed; The lateral fibers also
act with the lateral fibers of the internal
oblique on the same side to laterally flex
(sidebend) to the same side
Lateral fibers: in addition to flexion and
rotation, unilaterally, the lateral fibers also
act with the external oblique muscle on the
same side to produce lateral spinal flexion.
T7-T12, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
nerves, ventral rami
0102-TR-XX Oblique Abdominis Internus
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved
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