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Oct 2010 1626 LM R6 0 A R6 1 DS

Oct 2010 1626 LM R6 0 A R6 1 DS, TELEKOMUNIKACJA

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//-->Alcatel-Lucent 1626 Light ManagerR E L E A S E 6 .1The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 Light Manager (LM) is a global 10G/40G multi-reach Dense Wavelength DivisionMultiplexing (DWDM) platform for regional, long-haul terrestrial and unrepeatered submarine applications. Asnew multimedia services fuel huge bandwidth growth and time-to-service becomes key to business success,capacity, flexibility and ease of operations are driving the requirements for next-generation regional and backbonephotonic networks. The combination of networking flexibility, operational efficiency, traffic scalability and opticalperformance makes the Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM the ideal platform to support profitable transport network growth.Zero Touch Photonics – flexible,automated, easy to operateThe Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM helpsservice providers lower the overallcost per transported bit in the core ofthe network by implementing Alcatel-Lucent Zero Touch Photonics techno-logy. Its unique multi-degree Tunableand Reconfigurable Optical Add-DropMultiplexer (T&ROADM) architecturesupports photonic switching, enablingfast and easy turnup or reconfigu-ration of wavelength services fromend to end. This functionality ensuresoperations access to any wavelengthanywhere in the network, regardless ofthe traffic forecast, and provides fullnetwork traffic reconfiguration withouton-site intervention.The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM deliversany mix of 10G and 40G wavelengthservices on any given fiber in thenetwork. In addition, next-generationpolarization division multiplexingbinary phase-shift keying (PDM-BPSK)coherent modulation allows for 40Gwavelengths at the largest optical reachand with full compatibility with neighbor10G optical channels. This capabilityenables service providers to profitablygrow their capacity by leveraging theirexisting 10G assets without compromise,both in terms of backward compatibilityand future scalability.Sophisticated design tools andself-tuning features simplify, optimizeand accelerate planning for newnetworks or upgrades. These toolsfully automate network installation,provisioning and commissioning,while unparalleled optical perfor-mance is guaranteed for the moststringent long reach applications. TheAlcatel-Lucent 1626 LM also supportsGeneralized Multi-Protocol LabelSwitching (GMPLS) to further enhancenetwork flexibility and improveresiliency with photonic restoration.The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM is fullymanaged by the Alcatel-Lucent1350 Optical Management System (OMS),providing a range of operations supportapplications for the entire networklife cycle, from planning and design toprovisioning. The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LMenables flexible photonic networkingfor protected or unprotected linear,ring and meshed network topologies.Supporting the ITU-T Optical TransportNetwork (OTN) suite of standards, theAlcatel-Lucent 1626 LM enablesend-to-end management of backbonephotonic networks for simplified, zero-touch operations.• Automation –fast and easy networklife-cycle management¬ Graphical design tools foraccelerated administrationfrom plan to commission¬ Integrated with networkmanagement for 360-degreeoperations¬ Self-tuning optical performance,automatic power and lineadjustment¬ Supports TL1 interface• Extended reach –optimal performance¬ 3500 km unregeneratedtransmission at 10 Gb/s usingpure Erbium Doped FiberAmplifiers (EDFAs)¬ >1600 km unregeneratedtransmission at 40 Gb/susing pure EDFAs¬ >400 km unrepeateredtransmission at 10 Gb/s¬ >2500 km using 40G coherentdetection• GMPLS control plane¬ Automated discovery of networkresources (links, paths and switches)¬ Resilience against multiplenetwork failures¬ Coordination with other GMPLS-enabled networks for fast serviceprovisioning and OPEX reductions¬ Increased efficiency, yieldingCAPEX savings and a more fullymonetized transport network• Extensive interface options –reliable service delivery¬ Support a variety of Ethernetand SONET/SDH client interfaces¬ Transparent concentrators¬ 1+1 channel protection¬ Optical Multiplex SectionProtection (OMSP)Technical specificationsNetwork applications• Point-to-point DWDM terminalmultiplexer• Long-haul and ultra long-haulunrepeatered applications• Ring-based transport networks• Multipoint-to-multipointnetworks with wavelength add/drop requirements• Mesh-based optical networkprotectionClient interfaces• SONET/SDH¬ OC-768/STM-256: ITU-T G.693VSR2000-3R2, -3R3, -3R5¬ OC-192/STM-64: VSR, S-64.2¬ OC-48/STM-16: I-16.1, S-16.1,L-16.2, L-16.1• Ethernet¬ 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX,1000Base-ZX¬ 10GigE LAN PHY LR, 10GigE LANPHY ER, 10GigE LAN PHY SR• 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s UNI and NNIITU-T G.709 interfacesKey features and benefits• Photonic switching –fast and easyservice turn-up¬ T&ROADM: Wavelength SelectiveSwitch (WSS)-based wavelengthrouting and tunable filterarchitecture¬ Any client to any wavelengthto any direction¬ Flexible optical add/drop optionswith T&ROADM, ROADM andFixed OADM¬ Multi-degree node support fromtwo-degree to nine-degreeconnectivity¬ Supports linear, ring and meshtopologies• High capacity at 10G and 40G –scalability without compromise¬ Up to 96 channels at 10 Gb/s andup to 80 channels at 40 Gb/s inthe C-band¬ Any 10G/40G mix supported¬ Up to 15 channels at 40G in arack, using PDM-BPSK coherentdetectionWDM interfaces• Bit rate: 10.709 Gb/s, 11.096 Gb/sand 43.018 Gb/s• Supported modulation formats at10 Gb/s (direct transponders andconcentrators/muxponders):¬ Non-return-to-zero (NRZ)• Supported modulation formats at40 Gb/s (direct transponders andconcentrators/muxponders):¬ Differential phase-shift keying(DPSK)¬ Partial DPSK (P-DPSK)¬ PDM-BPSK• ITU-T G.709 direct transpondersand concentrators/muxponders• Optical amplifiers: 17 dBm, 20 dBmand 23 dBm output power2Alcatel-Lucent 1626 Light Manager | Release 6.1 | Data Sheet• Chromatic dispersion compensationtechniques:¬ Line dispersion compensation¬ Per-band dispersion compensation• Tunable dispersion compensationmodule (TDCM) integrated in10Gb/s transponder and in DPSKand P-DPSK 40Gb/s transponders• Resilient up to 30 ps of polarizationmode dispersion (PMD) thanks to40G coherent modulation• Linear chromatic dispersiontolerance @ 10 Gb/s: ±700 ps/nm• Linear chromatic dispersiontolerance @ 40 Gb/s:¬ ±150 ps/nm with phase-shapedbinary transmission (PSBT)modulation¬ ±500 ps/nm with DPSK andP-DPSK modulation¬ ±42,000 ps/nm with PDM-BPSKmodulation• Restoration¬ Source-based restoration¬ Protection restoration combined• Nominal route• Operator control over connectionparameters• Shutting down of linksOptical connectors• General practice: MU/SPC• Plug-in modules: LC connectors¬ On the 4 × 2.5 Gb/s concentrator:Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP)¬ On the 4 × 10 Gb/s concentrator:Extended Form Factor Pluggable(XFP)¬ On the 10 Gb/s universaltransponder¬ On the 9 × GigE concentrator• Dispersion compensatingmodules: MU/SPCManagement• Alcatel-Lucent 1350 Optical OMS• Network managementinterface: TL1• Zero-installation craft (ZIC) terminal• Network management access:10 Mb/s Ethernet interface withRJ-45 and BNC connectors• Craft interface: 38.4 kb/s serialTIA/EIA-232 interface withDB-9 connectorOptical performance• 3500 km unregeneratedtransmission at 10 Gb/s withpure EDFAs• 1600 km unregeneratedtransmission at 40 Gb/s withpure EDFAs• 400 km unrepeateredtransmission at 10 Gb/s• >2500 km using 40G coherentdetection• Fiber transmission support overall single-mode fibers: ITU-TG.652, G.653, G.654, G.655 andG.656 (SMF, DSF, LEAF, TeraLight,TrueWave)Physical specificationsand power requirements• Rack dimensions:¬ Height: 2200 mm (86.6 in.)¬ Width: 600 mm (23.6 in.)¬ Depth: 300 mm (11.8 in.)• Shelf dimensions (with front cover):¬ Height: 466 mm (18.3 in.)¬ Width: 532 mm (20.9 in.)¬ Depth: 288 mm (11.3 in.)• Flexible slot shelf:¬ Slot heights: 354 mm, 265 mmand 73 mm (13.9 in., 10.4 in.and 2.9 in.)¬ Slot widths: 20 mm and 25 mm(0.79 in. and 0.98 in.)• Board depth: 213 mm (8.39 in.)• Wall mounting• Voltage: 48/60 V DCOptical Supervisory Channel(OSC)• Wavelength: 1510 nm• Bit rate: 4 Mb/sHousekeeping• Eight inputs/outputs per boardTransparent concentration• 4 × 2.5 Gb/s ITU-T G.709concentrator• 4 × 10 Gb/s concentrator(supports any combinationof the following rates):¬ ODU2 ITU-T G.709¬ 10GigE LAN PHY¬ 10GigE WAN PHY¬ Clear channel (any signalwith 9.95 Gb/s bit rate)• 2 × GigE concentration into2.5 Gb/s• 9 × GigE concentration into10 Gb/sData communication channels• Up to four 64 kb/s data channels• 2 Mb/s data channelsMulti-degree T&ROADMand ROADM• WSS-based technology• Multi-degree node support(up to nine degrees)• Multi-directional add/drop• Tunable mux/demux for networktraffic reconfiguration without on-site interventionOptical safety• Automatic power shutdownprocedure and automatic restart ofoptical amplifiersProtection• 1+1 OCH protection (transponderprotection)• OMSP protection (line protection)• GMPLS restorationOperating environment• Operating temperature:-5°C to +45°C (41°F to 113°F)• Humidity: 5% to 95%• EMI: EN 300 386 V1.3.1• Shock/vibration: Zone 4earthquakeFEC• 10 Gb/s¬ Enhanced FEC (EFEC) with 8.5 dBcoding gain (7% overhead)• 40 Gb/s¬ Ultra FEC (UFEC) with 7.4 dB netcoding gain (7% overhead)¬ EFEC with 8.5 dB coding gain(7% overhead)Operations automation• Equipment commissioning• Path routing and reservation• Optical path creation andoptical tuning• Path restorationGMPLS/ASON control plane• Automatic topology discovery• Autodiscovery of servicesand resources• WDM-optimized path computation• Unconstrained wavelength pathsetup¬ Routing over a feasible path¬ Routing with regenerationdefinition• Wavelength path rerouting withwavelength path conversionwww.alcatel-lucent.comAlcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logoare trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibilityfor inaccuracies contained herein. Copyright © 2010 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.CPG4688100718 (09) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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